Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Growing Perennial Herbs

Growing Perennial Herbs
Types of Useful Perennial Herbs
Perennial Herbs are fragrant and entirely useful for recipes that call for freshly chopped herbs. They make wonderful teas, sachets and dried herbal wreaths. These perennial herbs include rosemary, chives, angelica, bay leaf, mint, lemongrass, lavender, echinacea, aloe, fennel and oregano. Another perennial that delights feline pets is catnip. There are many perennial herbs to choose from for perennial herb gardens.

Growing Perennial Herbs
When growing perennial herbs, it's important to remember each genus of herb may have very different soil, water, sun and shade requirements. Not all perennial herbs grow in all climates, either. Growing perennial herbs is a interesting and fun hobby, with the added benefit of good health. Growing perennial herbs for kitchen use can be planned for one area of the garden, while others can be grown as an added feature of a flower or rock garden or to line a sidewalk.

The main thing is to find the herbs you want to grow and then check each herbs requirements. You can then do grouping of plants with similar needs of sunlight and soil. When your plants are ready to be harvested, it is great to know that you raised them yourself and you get the added knowledge of getting the health benefits of the herbs.
If you enjoy the herb growing very much you may move up to doing it part time for extra money. There are a few ways you can make extra income from growing your herbs. Lets talk now about growing and selling your home grown herbs to others.

Growing Herbs for Sale
If you are planning to grow herbs for sale, the quantity planted needs to be increased from a small patch-type garden to perhaps a much larger area. Growing herbs for sale requires more care to insure that the wider growing area doesn't endure overgrowth of weeds. Growing herbs for sale is a good way to earn extra money while enjoying the beauty of a formal herb garden.

First, try growing a smaller herb garden to become acquainted with how each herb reacts to the elements and care. Rosemary, for instance, tends to grow in shrub-like fashion. So, this is one herb that will have profuse growth and abundance that can be sold. Growing herbs for sale is a way to create your own herbal product line. Marketed properly, the return on investment of time, money and effort will produce a tidy additional income.

Be creative about marketing your herbal products to the general public as well as to large herbal companies that appreciate additional herbal stock from their vendors. This may mean promoting a special featured line of herbs or a particular healthful aspect of how your herbs are grown.

Perennial Herb Garden, A Tradition That Continues
Most perennial herb gardens were originally grown just outside a kitchen window for convenience. Today, many are grown in pots for kitchen windowsills.
By: Keith Greene Resource: http://www.NewHerbGarden.com

Monday, October 19, 2009

Where Roses Grow Wild

Where Roses Grow Wild

The rose is one of the most beautiful and most widely planted flowers in many peoples’ gardens, but the rose is also one of the most demanding flowers as far as maintenance is concerned. Many roses that are planted need to be constantly cared by spraying for bugs, trimming down surrounding weeds, and fertilizing are all popular practices for rose growers to help their rose bushes grow more full and more beautiful.

However, there is a way to get the beauty of the rose without having to deal with the hassle of taking great care of it, and that is by planting a wild rose. This article is going to look at where roses grow wild and how to care for roses.

The first thing to consider when planting a wild rose is where to plant it. It is important to know the places where roses grow wild so the rose is planted in a place where the conditions are favorable for the rose. However, because the wild rose is so resilient there not really any rules for where roses grow wild best except for planting them where they will not be mowed over. Therefore, the best place for this would be at the back of a meadow lot or put against a fence or a house. Anywhere that the mower will not get to the bush would be a good spot to plant the wild rose.

Man-made, hybrid roses require a lot more work, and thus learning how to care for roses is a little more difficult. Whereas, wild roses are such a low maintenance plant, therefore it is very easy to learn how to care for roses. Wild roses, which are much like a small tree, are very hearty plants. During the winter, wild roses will shed their flowers and leaves and just remain bare, and as long as the dead branches are cut off at the end of winter, they will bloom again come the spring. They will bloom a little, if you don't trim them, but there is no harm in helping them a little so they flourish.

To conclude, being able to attain the beauty of a rose without all of the work is finally attainable with planting a wild rose. Wild roses are more resilient and less susceptible to weeds and bugs than regular roses that are bought at a nursery. For all of these reasons, a wild rose would be a wonderful addition to any meadow or garden and be enjoyed with a minimal amount of work. So if you are going to do this, get with your local garden center and see if you can order some hardy wild roses. Good luck !

By: Lee Martin Resource: http://www.WonderfulRoses.com

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Candle Making Jars

Candle Making Jars

Homemade candle making has come a long way in the past decade. I remember when I was a child, we used to make candles using a 1/2 gallon milk container. We'd fill it up with ice and pour melted candle wax in. After it had set, we'd peel off the milk carton and you'd have a very interesting homemade candle. It kind of looked like, frozen colored ice.

Nowadays with places like Micheal's Crafts, and other large craft stores, the home crafter has access to a plethora of tools. There are different types of candle wax so that homemade candle making has gotten to be much easier than in the past. You can purchase metal and poly molds or you could actually use any jar that you like. All you have to do is fill it with the candle wax and a wick.

A very inexpensive way to do your homemade candle making, is to go to your local dollar store and purchase different glass votive or glass jars, actually any glass container can be used as candle making jars. Here is a quick overview of how to make a glass jar candle. The main thing here is to use your imagination.
Almost any glass jar can be used to make candles. Tall , thin, short, fat whatever. If you are using various colored waxes the tall clear jars make a beautiful impression. Just make sure you have plenty of clearance between the burning wick and glass so it does not get to hot and break. For more information on this visit the web site at the bottom of this article.

So to do your own homemade candle making, you'll need a crock pot or double boiler to melt the wax to 160 degrees. Then you can add scented oils and food coloring. Put a dot of glue on the bottom of the metal part of the wick and place it in the candle making jars. Then pour the melted wax into the candle making jars or glass containers that you've purchased. Let the wax cool to a semi-hardened crust and then you can straighten out the wicks and get it centered. Let the candle cool at room temperature completely, which will be about 6-8 hours.

You'll see that the wax has sunken a little in the middle. Now you are going to re heat the leftover wax to about 185 degrees and pour some in to your jar to level it off. Let that cool again and trim your wick to about a quarter inch, and you now have your very own homemade jar candle.

The possibilities are endless; you can use any type of glass containers for your candle making jars that you like, so let your imagination go wild! Have fun with it!

By: Lee Martin Resource: http://www.EasyMadeCandles.com